#Mymadeinke: Showcasing the Best of Kenyan Craftsmanship


Kenya is a country bursting with cultural diversity and a rich heritage, and nowhere is this more evident than in its thriving artisan community. The hashtag #mymadeinke has become a powerful symbol of this vibrant sector, showcasing the incredible talents of Kenyan artisans and the beautiful products they create. From intricate beadwork to stunning carvings and innovative fashion, #mymadeinke celebrates the best of Kenyan craftsmanship, highlighting the creativity and dedication that go into each handmade piece.

The Essence of #mymadeinke

Kenyan Craftsmanship and Tradition

Kenya’s artisans are deeply rooted in tradition, with skills passed down through generations. These traditional techniques are complemented by modern innovations, resulting in unique and high-quality products. The hashtag #mymadeinke encapsulates this blend of old and new, providing a platform for artisans to share their stories and showcase their work to a global audience.

Supporting Local Economies

The #mymadeinke movement is not just about beautiful products; it’s also about supporting local economies. By buying Kenyan-made goods, consumers are directly contributing to the livelihoods of artisans and their communities. This support helps preserve traditional crafts and ensures that these skills are passed on to future generations.

Exploring the Range of #mymadeinke Products

Intricate Beadwork

Kenyan beadwork is renowned worldwide for its complexity and beauty. The Maasai community, in particular, is famous for its vibrant and intricate bead designs. These pieces are not only stunning but also carry deep cultural significance, representing various aspects of Maasai life and beliefs.

Hand-Carved Woodwork

Kenya’s woodcarvers create some of the most exquisite pieces of art. From functional items like bowls and utensils to decorative sculptures and masks, the skill and attention to detail in each piece are remarkable. The #mymadeinke tag has helped bring these works to a broader audience, allowing more people to appreciate the craftsmanship involved.

Fashion and Textiles

Kenya’s fashion scene is also thriving, with designers creating beautiful clothing and accessories that blend traditional African prints with contemporary styles. The #mymadeinke movement has been instrumental in promoting these designers, helping them reach new markets and gain recognition for their work.

Sustainable Practices in Kenyan Artistry

Eco-Friendly Materials

Many artisans featured under #mymadeinke are committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and practices. This includes using recycled materials, such as glass and metal, and sustainably sourced wood. By focusing on sustainability, these artisans are helping to protect Kenya’s natural resources while creating beautiful and functional products.

Promoting Ethical Production

Ethical production is another key aspect of the #mymadeinke movement. This involves fair wages, safe working conditions, and ensuring that artisans are adequately compensated for their work. By supporting ethically produced goods, consumers can help promote better standards in the artisan industry.

The Role of #mymadeinke in Global Markets

Connecting Artisans with International Buyers

One of the significant benefits of the #mymadeinke hashtag is its ability to connect Kenyan artisans with international buyers. Through social media and online marketplaces, artisans can reach a global audience, increasing their sales and exposure. This connection is vital for the growth and sustainability of Kenya’s artisan sector.

Building Brand Kenya

#mymadeinke is also playing a crucial role in building the brand of Kenyan-made products. By highlighting the quality and uniqueness of these items, the movement is helping to create a strong and positive image of Kenyan craftsmanship on the global stage. This, in turn, attracts more buyers and investors to the sector.

Challenges Faced by Kenyan Artisans

Access to Markets

Despite the success of #mymadeinke, many artisans still face challenges in accessing markets. Limited infrastructure, high shipping costs, and competition from mass-produced goods are significant barriers. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from both the government and private sector to improve market access and support for artisans.

Maintaining Quality Standards

Maintaining high-quality standards is essential for the success of Kenyan-made products in global markets. However, this can be challenging for individual artisans who may lack the resources and training to meet these standards consistently. Initiatives that provide training and support can help artisans improve their skills and ensure that their products meet international quality standards.

How Consumers Can Support #mymadeinke

Buy Kenyan-Made Products

The most direct way consumers can support the #mymadeinke movement is by purchasing Kenyan-made products. Whether it’s jewelry, clothing, home decor, or artwork, buying these items helps support the artisans who create them. Online platforms and marketplaces make it easier than ever to find and purchase these unique products.

Spread the Word

Another way to support #mymadeinke is by spreading the word. Sharing posts and products on social media, using the hashtag, and telling friends and family about the movement can help raise awareness and bring more attention to Kenyan artisans. This increased visibility can lead to more sales and opportunities for the artisans.

Spotlight on Notable #mymadeinke Artisans

Beadwork by Kazuri

Kazuri, meaning “small and beautiful” in Swahili, is a renowned beadwork company based in Nairobi. They create stunning handcrafted ceramic beads and jewelry, providing employment for over 300 local women. The #mymadeinke hashtag has helped Kazuri gain international recognition and expand its reach.

Woodcarving by the Akamba Community

The Akamba community is known for its exceptional woodcarving skills. Artisans from this community create intricate sculptures and masks that are highly sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts worldwide. The #mymadeinke movement has helped bring their work to a broader audience, showcasing the talent and craftsmanship of Akamba woodcarvers.

Fashion by KikoRomeo

KikoRomeo, meaning “Adam’s Apple” in Kiswahili, is a fashion brand that blends traditional African prints with contemporary designs. Founded by Ann McCreath, the brand is known for its sustainable and ethical production practices. The #mymadeinke tag has played a significant role in promoting KikoRomeo’s collections, helping the brand gain international acclaim.

Future Prospects for #mymadeinke

Expansion and Innovation

The future of #mymadeinke looks bright, with opportunities for expansion and innovation. As more artisans embrace social media and online platforms, the movement will continue to grow, reaching new audiences and markets. Innovations in design and production methods will also help keep Kenyan craftsmanship at the forefront of the global artisan scene.

Government and Private Sector Support

Continued support from the government and private sector is crucial for the success of the #mymadeinke movement. This includes investments in infrastructure, training programs, and market access initiatives. By working together, stakeholders can help ensure that Kenyan artisans have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.


What is #mymadeinke?

#mymadeinke is a hashtag and movement that promotes Kenyan-made products and highlights the work of Kenyan artisans. It aims to support local economies, preserve traditional crafts, and connect artisans with global markets.

How can I support #mymadeinke?

You can support #mymadeinke by purchasing Kenyan-made products, spreading the word on social media, and encouraging others to do the same. Using the hashtag #mymadeinke in your posts helps raise awareness and bring attention to Kenyan artisans.

What types of products are featured under #mymadeinke?

The #mymadeinke hashtag features a wide range of products, including beadwork, woodcarvings, fashion and textiles, home decor, and artwork. These items are all handcrafted by skilled Kenyan artisans.

Why is #mymadeinke important?

#mymadeinke is important because it supports local economies, preserves traditional crafts, and promotes ethical and sustainable production practices. It also helps build a positive image of Kenyan-made products on the global stage.

What challenges do Kenyan artisans face?

Kenyan artisans face challenges such as limited access to markets, high shipping costs, and competition from mass-produced goods. Maintaining high-quality standards can also be difficult for individual artisans without adequate resources and training.

How does #mymadeinke benefit the global market?

#mymadeinke benefits the global market by providing unique and high-quality handcrafted products. It also promotes diversity and cultural exchange, allowing consumers to appreciate and support the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Kenyan artisans.


The #mymadeinke movement is a celebration of the best of Kenyan craftsmanship. It highlights the incredible talent, creativity, and dedication of Kenyan artisans while promoting sustainable and ethical production practices. By supporting #mymadeinke, consumers can help preserve traditional crafts, support local economies, and enjoy beautiful, high-quality products. As the movement continues to grow, it promises a bright future for Kenyan artisans and the global appreciation of their work.

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